Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What do you perceive?

Is what we see actually real or is it what we perceive?

All that we see, feel, touch, taste, and smell comes as impulses through our nervous system. This get processed through our brain, the main computer. Yes we are a machine. Not a machine in the sense that we have no consciousness or awareness but the container for that spirit is a machine.

Let's take a car for example. Even though it has computers, even Google can make them drive themselves in traffic. The harder you drive a car the more wear and tear there is and has no internal way to heal itself. You can put in the best gas and oil, balance the tires, wash it and clean it regularly, it will still break down and eventually needs outside attention and replacement.

You physical body on the other is a self healing organism. Yes you need to feed it the right fuel, wash it once in while, and use it properly,and it run for the life of warranty, without replacing a part.

Right fuel- whole food, herbs, and spices, more fresh food than dead food, the least chemicals possible. Read spice article below

Washing- goes without saying though what you put on your body shall be pure enough to eat because it will end up in your system through your skin.

Proper use of the body- there are lots of theories here, most of them wrong in some ways, right in some ways. Obvious exercise, social interaction, rest, and above all to have a purpose.

Proper Purpose- there are lots of rule books for this one though the real rule book is planted deep inside you, and you have to look inside with the lights on to read it.

The closest body of knowledge I have found for this is Ayurveda. It comes from the Vedas which is thousands of years old and still ring true now. Check out the science of Ayurveda on my web site and sign up for a consultation in person or on the phone with Dr. Steve himself.Let me be your guide, Click here to go the knowledge

Chiropractic has been for me the most natural way to keep the body in balance with regular care. Manipulation of the spine has been around for thousands of years, Chiropractic is the first healing art to recognize the relationship between structure and function, and the Innate intelligence within mind and body from above down, inside out. Read below a great article on the power of the science of Chiropractic.


Dr. Stephen Wechsler
Network Healing Arts

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Get a handle on Life!!

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and Chiropractic

You won't find the carpal tunnel on any map - it's in your wrist. Your carpal (wrist) bones form a tunnel-like structure - the carpal tunnel - through which pass nine tendons and one nerve - the median nerve.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

Carpal tunnel syndrome is called the occupational disease of the 21st century. Years ago telegraph operators, seamstresses, carpenters and meat cutters were the chief sufferers from this condition. Today it's office workers, computer users, musicians and assembly line workers. It is also often found in pregnant women, women who use birth control pills or individuals with an underactive thyroid.

If you have one or more of the following you may have it: tingling and numbness in the hand, fingers and wrist; swelling of the fingers; dry palms; blanching (whitening upon pressure) of the hand; or pain so intense that it awakens you at night. In some people CTS causes similar symptoms in the upper arm, elbow, shoulder or neck. (1)

Millions of people now suffer from CTS (2) and increasing numbers of them are seeking chiropractic care. The drug-free chiropractic approach of releasing nerve and structural stress has been a blessing to untold numbers of people afflicted with this condition.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is similar to CTS but is caused by irritation of the nerves that form the brachial plexus (in the upper back) as they exit the neck. TOS symptoms include pain, weakness and numbness or tingling in the arm.

The Chiropractic Approach

Since everyone who does repetitive tasks does not get CTS (or TOS) there appears to be an underlying weakness contributing to this condition. That is why anyone suffering from CTS should see a chiropractor to ensure that his/her body structure is properly aligned and free from pressure affecting his/her nerves.

For over a hundred years clinicians, researchers and patients have reported relief of classic carpal tunnel symptoms and improvement in overall body function after chiropractic adjustments. (3-5) Subluxations (nerve irritation) have also been observed in many patients who have carpal tunnel or related hand and wrist problems. (6-7)

For these reasons, anyone suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome should see a chiropractor to ensure that their body is free of nerve stress.