Friday, November 19, 2010

Inspired again to write my wrongs and rights

As you all know by now I have lost a close friend and coworker. The work we did was more than massage and chiropractic, more than energy and aroma. Our work was to transform, not each other but ourselves.

Wednesday night was a powerful night for me.

I have just been through a week of shock, of Kathy's fall, of clarity of Kathy's wishes, a lot of phone calls, over 300, a wake of over 300 people, 2 services and a burial. Now what?

Life went on before this and life goes on after this.

In my Landmark seminar class we were asked to imagine our worst fears of how our life will turn out to be. They were so similar. Lonely, poor, disrespected, sick, feble, tired, useless, needing of care, and all the other fears we have.

These fears are not only probable, possible, enevitable, certain, and a illusion.

They already happen. WHAT!

Yes, your brain, mind nervous system, has made your future like it is real, it has made your past like it is happened, it thinks we are sure even about what is happening right NOW.

The truth is there is no past, no future, and even no present.


So where is your past if you are feeling it RIGHT NOW. Where is your future if you are feeling it right NOW. Where is the present moment if it already happened a moment ago.

You and I are worrying about something that has already happened. It is done, gone, finished.


How many of us have worried about a certain future that has and will never happened!!!

How many of us bring the past into the future and think we will get a different result.

NOW has the potential to be what you create. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is only lived in creation. Life lives in sharing this creative process.

Depression or suppression is an internally manifested event that is repeated over and over just like happiness. Both are fleeting unless repeated in each moment.

Bliss arises when we are creative. Be new in each moment just like creation.

You have a part of you that will not forget to brush your teeth, empty your bladder, and work and pay your bill. You get to create how you view life.

You get to see life through your portal. Be childlike, not childish about life. When the rain falls it falls on everyone, when the sun shines it shines on everyone, even through the clouds.

WAKE UP, or stay sleeping, it is your choice.


Dr. Steve