Friday, November 19, 2010

Inspired again to write my wrongs and rights

As you all know by now I have lost a close friend and coworker. The work we did was more than massage and chiropractic, more than energy and aroma. Our work was to transform, not each other but ourselves.

Wednesday night was a powerful night for me.

I have just been through a week of shock, of Kathy's fall, of clarity of Kathy's wishes, a lot of phone calls, over 300, a wake of over 300 people, 2 services and a burial. Now what?

Life went on before this and life goes on after this.

In my Landmark seminar class we were asked to imagine our worst fears of how our life will turn out to be. They were so similar. Lonely, poor, disrespected, sick, feble, tired, useless, needing of care, and all the other fears we have.

These fears are not only probable, possible, enevitable, certain, and a illusion.

They already happen. WHAT!

Yes, your brain, mind nervous system, has made your future like it is real, it has made your past like it is happened, it thinks we are sure even about what is happening right NOW.

The truth is there is no past, no future, and even no present.


So where is your past if you are feeling it RIGHT NOW. Where is your future if you are feeling it right NOW. Where is the present moment if it already happened a moment ago.

You and I are worrying about something that has already happened. It is done, gone, finished.


How many of us have worried about a certain future that has and will never happened!!!

How many of us bring the past into the future and think we will get a different result.

NOW has the potential to be what you create. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is only lived in creation. Life lives in sharing this creative process.

Depression or suppression is an internally manifested event that is repeated over and over just like happiness. Both are fleeting unless repeated in each moment.

Bliss arises when we are creative. Be new in each moment just like creation.

You have a part of you that will not forget to brush your teeth, empty your bladder, and work and pay your bill. You get to create how you view life.

You get to see life through your portal. Be childlike, not childish about life. When the rain falls it falls on everyone, when the sun shines it shines on everyone, even through the clouds.

WAKE UP, or stay sleeping, it is your choice.


Dr. Steve

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What do you perceive?

Is what we see actually real or is it what we perceive?

All that we see, feel, touch, taste, and smell comes as impulses through our nervous system. This get processed through our brain, the main computer. Yes we are a machine. Not a machine in the sense that we have no consciousness or awareness but the container for that spirit is a machine.

Let's take a car for example. Even though it has computers, even Google can make them drive themselves in traffic. The harder you drive a car the more wear and tear there is and has no internal way to heal itself. You can put in the best gas and oil, balance the tires, wash it and clean it regularly, it will still break down and eventually needs outside attention and replacement.

You physical body on the other is a self healing organism. Yes you need to feed it the right fuel, wash it once in while, and use it properly,and it run for the life of warranty, without replacing a part.

Right fuel- whole food, herbs, and spices, more fresh food than dead food, the least chemicals possible. Read spice article below

Washing- goes without saying though what you put on your body shall be pure enough to eat because it will end up in your system through your skin.

Proper use of the body- there are lots of theories here, most of them wrong in some ways, right in some ways. Obvious exercise, social interaction, rest, and above all to have a purpose.

Proper Purpose- there are lots of rule books for this one though the real rule book is planted deep inside you, and you have to look inside with the lights on to read it.

The closest body of knowledge I have found for this is Ayurveda. It comes from the Vedas which is thousands of years old and still ring true now. Check out the science of Ayurveda on my web site and sign up for a consultation in person or on the phone with Dr. Steve himself.Let me be your guide, Click here to go the knowledge

Chiropractic has been for me the most natural way to keep the body in balance with regular care. Manipulation of the spine has been around for thousands of years, Chiropractic is the first healing art to recognize the relationship between structure and function, and the Innate intelligence within mind and body from above down, inside out. Read below a great article on the power of the science of Chiropractic.


Dr. Stephen Wechsler
Network Healing Arts

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Get a handle on Life!!

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and Chiropractic

You won't find the carpal tunnel on any map - it's in your wrist. Your carpal (wrist) bones form a tunnel-like structure - the carpal tunnel - through which pass nine tendons and one nerve - the median nerve.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

Carpal tunnel syndrome is called the occupational disease of the 21st century. Years ago telegraph operators, seamstresses, carpenters and meat cutters were the chief sufferers from this condition. Today it's office workers, computer users, musicians and assembly line workers. It is also often found in pregnant women, women who use birth control pills or individuals with an underactive thyroid.

If you have one or more of the following you may have it: tingling and numbness in the hand, fingers and wrist; swelling of the fingers; dry palms; blanching (whitening upon pressure) of the hand; or pain so intense that it awakens you at night. In some people CTS causes similar symptoms in the upper arm, elbow, shoulder or neck. (1)

Millions of people now suffer from CTS (2) and increasing numbers of them are seeking chiropractic care. The drug-free chiropractic approach of releasing nerve and structural stress has been a blessing to untold numbers of people afflicted with this condition.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is similar to CTS but is caused by irritation of the nerves that form the brachial plexus (in the upper back) as they exit the neck. TOS symptoms include pain, weakness and numbness or tingling in the arm.

The Chiropractic Approach

Since everyone who does repetitive tasks does not get CTS (or TOS) there appears to be an underlying weakness contributing to this condition. That is why anyone suffering from CTS should see a chiropractor to ensure that his/her body structure is properly aligned and free from pressure affecting his/her nerves.

For over a hundred years clinicians, researchers and patients have reported relief of classic carpal tunnel symptoms and improvement in overall body function after chiropractic adjustments. (3-5) Subluxations (nerve irritation) have also been observed in many patients who have carpal tunnel or related hand and wrist problems. (6-7)

For these reasons, anyone suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome should see a chiropractor to ensure that their body is free of nerve stress.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Insights from distinguishing SELF and IT

Hey All,

Just came back from DC visiting my son. Getting ready for the Introduction to The Landmark Forum. Sept. 22nd 7-10p Unity Church.

I have taking a course called An Invented Life; My Life, My Design

It is only when we are creating our lives are they authentic. When we create our authentic life we are in the realm of the SELF instead of being in our identity.

When we master life we are used by it, instead of being affected by or reacting to it.

We can live a life that is powerful, free, and of full self expression.

Love you all,


9/20/10 Insights Monday

It’s all information and fact and how the self responds or the IT reacts. Got two phone calls last night both reacting to the past, it made no difference if it was past yesterday or 5 minutes ago or 6 months or years ago, IT was present to it right now. I had no need for defense though IT tried, I was pleasant and thankful with a big heart though IT wanted a fight.

Woke this morning before the alarm to catch my plane. Hotel wake up call never happened so I said something to help them avoid IT attacks. Went to airport and all that brings, went smoothly why but any more energy in it than needed, IT will get you through. Enjoying writing and blogging about this.

Keep reading the document to myself and others.

9/19/10 Insights Sunday

IT woke up this morning noticed my head was a little congested, my shoulder blade hurt.

When I used my breathe in conscious manner I was creating my space. I continued to do this as I moved into a state of meditation, after about 10 minutes, IT said bathroom time.

Needed to change gears a lot with plans from Baltimore to DC. First we were driving, then my son was sick so I took the train. Still do not know all the transfers but I am relax, at ease with an adventure to come.

When money issues came up I felt a tightness in my chest and I reminded myself it could only be gas.

Moving thru my journey sure where I am going from train to subway to subway To bus to airport to shuttle to hotel. Timeless and meaningless.

9/18/10 Insights Saturday

Woke move through the details until got downstairs, cup of coffee, IT leads me around my routine. Kathy was already up, IT’s exchanged pleasantries. Kathy was running a racket that my IT defined about not writing her blog until she has certain things in place that IT wants. I got my computer set it up she wrote her blog after two months. She created that state to do and did it. IT played a long and punched the right keys and then Kathy moved into another racket about how she spelled things wrong and it was not good enough. I read it to her, spell check it and sent it off. IT again was quieted down.

I had a lot of fun at work, playing with my state, even at one point acting like wrestler, just having fun.

I notice when I am busy in the office I flow through very well with IT taking care of the details.

Decided to leave a little later to catch my plane to DC, hit traffic and IT took over worried a little, frustrated with the alternate route I took, back on the highway, knowing I would get there on time though IT was telling me I should feel stress. Controlled my breathe into a different state.

Fly into DC, said hi to a complete stranger that self was attracted to and IT noticed clothing and a turban, IT said the perfect thing a SAT NAM to make her at ease. We had a great time talking about being. I introduced her to Landmark Education.

Spent time with my son and his MOM, It was pleasant day walking in DC and being wit them, no agenda though IT kept looking for one.

9/17/10 Insights Friday

IT woke me up early, IT thought the body should stay in bed. I moved out of bed anyway and got ready to start the day with a hike. I read my friend Kathy who is a Blond/deaf Paralympics Athlete the document.

We hike at Clarks Reservation is more challenging. We paid attention when IT was taking over the conversation. IT complains, IT manages time, IT manages states of energy. Self hike holding the reigns of IT so IT puts on foot in front of the other. IT keeps you on the trail. IT kept us on the road on the way home while we created and experienced our self.

Friday night had two calls scheduled at 6:30pm called Joyce Pike first was not there, called Lucinda, finished the call and called Joyce.

IT jumped in and out of the call proving who I was. Then I actively listened. Then IT needed to say who I knew. Then I actively listened.

Thursday 9/16/10

Fixing the furnace at the house.

I was creating fixing the furnace by myself. IT could not believe I was attempting this. I called a friend to help and I did something I never did before and it worked, yes IT did help with the details.

Weds 9/15/10 Insights

Great ride home with my guest sharing about the ILF

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Intro to the LAndmark Forum

My favorite thing in the whole wide world is to find great things out there in the world, and bring them back here to Syracuse.

A few weeks ago I attended the Landmark Forum. I was so moved by the experience I found a way to bring an introduction course right here to you in Syracuse.

Read about my experience on my Blog. Click Here

The timing could not be better because they are having a Landmark Forum in Utica, NY in October, and this is a chance to find out first hand what the Landmark Conversation can do for your life.

Imagine if a few relationships in your life shifted as did mine.
My brother who I rarely talked to actually came to the last day of the course, we went to dinner, and the kicker, he called me the next day to see if I got home. Just like my mom would have.
Imagine if you could invent a future for yourself not based on past experiences.
Imagine if you could see clearly what is happening in your life.

What could be your future in 5 years? What would it look like?

There are many graduates of the Landmark Forum in our area like me who had to travel to NYC, Toronto, or Philadelphia. Take advantage of this free Introduction to the Landmark Forum and take a look at the special summer pricing at the bottom of this email.

Also if you are a graduate of the Landmark Forum, Sophie has some special news and a gift for you.


Monday, August 30, 2010

My Advanced Course, now my life

What if we lived life as peace on earth depended on it.

This weekend I attended the Advance Course of Landmark Education. Our teacher offered us that we can Live Life Powerfully and Live a Life We Love. We were to experience working as a group, not a group of 5 or 6 but all 134 of us for the whole weekend.

We brought to the table a sense of Having It All, not by doing more, but by being more. By enlarging one's platter to encompass the whole of life. By living as all of life that matters. That our actions effect the whole.

Imagine your physical body with all it's organs. We can imagine and for some have experienced one organ or a group of cells decide to go off on their own, without checking in with the whole. We call this cancer, heart disease, indigestion, and pain. Does not one part end up controlling the whole being when off track.

When the body works together we flow as one being and have perfect health and harmony.

In the world imagine we are all parts, countries, continents, states, oceans, people, and animals. It is an intricate balance to keep these all working separately, especially if we do not realize that it is all one.

If we can stop, even for a moment and realize how connected we all are like the body, we can achieve peace in our lifetime.

Peace to me includes disruption, and then healing, and aggravation, and then healing, not just calm all the time.

In the side bar this is more information to this technology.

Click Here for more information on Landmark Education

My Advanced Course, now my life

What if we lived life as peace on earth depended on it.

This weekend I attended the Advance Course of Landmark Education. Our teacher offered us that we can Live Life Powerfully and Live a Life We Love. We were to experience working as a group, not a group of 5 or 6 but all 134 of us for the whole weekend.

We brought to the table a sense of Having It All, not by doing more, but by being more. By enlarging one's platter to encompass the whole of life. By living as all of life that matters. That our actions effect the whole.

Imagine your physical body with all it's organs. We can imagine and for some have experienced one organ or a group of cells decide to go off on their own, without checking in with the whole. We call this cancer, heart disease, indigestion, and pain. Does not one part end up controlling the whole being when off track.

When the body works together we flow as one being and have perfect health and harmony.

In the world imagine we are all parts, countries, continents, states, oceans, people, and animals. It is an intricate balance to keep these all working separately, especially if we do not realize that it is all one.

If we can stop, even for a moment and realize how connected we all are like the body, we can achieve peace in our lifetime.

Peace to me includes disruption, and then healing, and aggravation, and then healing, not just calm all the time.

In the side bar this is more information to this technology.

Click Here for more information on Landmark Education

Monday, August 16, 2010

A day in the world with Kathy Urschel

Where do I start. Well I'll start with the lesson of the day. Go with the flow. The flow of water that is. This has been a week of pools, hot tubs, and today a large lake.

I was up in Fair Haven,NY, home of the Renaissance Faire and beautiful Little Sodus Bay.

Kathy and I took a walk as usual, Kathy with her Guide Man my new title, and her guide dog Sandra. We got a cup of Joe and walked to the lake. I told Kathy I would take her dog in the lake and she said,"What about me?". She took of her shoes and socks, took off her electronic gear that allows her to hear and unfolded her cane. She walk, and then swam.

She swam away from the dog and I and kept going, and going. I followed her through backyards and past docks until she ran into a boat, thankfully parked at a dock. Then Kathy turned and swam away from shore.

I took a calming breath and found a group of people who owned a canoe. I tied up the dog, and paddled out to Kath. I looked at the people and told them Kathy could swim for hours and was blind and deaf. I told them I was a lifeguard and a canoe instructor for many summers at camp.

Next I thought, I wonder what these people thought of me, a life guard would let a deaf-blind person swim out to the middle of the bay.

Kathy is free in the water. Her stroke leg does not have to hold weight, her body can move through the water without struggle. Though she cannot see or hear, she did finally scream out to make sure I knew where she was.

I paddled out, threw her a rope, and pulled her in.

Another day in my world, amazed at Kathy's world.

Listen to a great radio program where Kathy tells her life story and what motivates her to keep going, and going, and going.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

To Feel Better you must better feel

BE Happy


Are you feeling sad or unhappy? Here’s a few things that I’ve found to be extremely helpful.
If you are feeling sad, this is probably the most effective method of feeling better right away. Go outside and just start running. It doesn’t matter how fast you run, or how far you run, as long as you get your heart pumping and blood flowing. Try to push yourself a bit so that you have to concentrate really hard to make it through those last few feet. Doing this yields a ton of benefits:
- Exercise releases endorphins which immediately makes you feel better.
- It gives you a long term healthy habit to go to whenever you feel unhappy.
- While you’re concentrated on moving your muscles those last few laps, your mind is not fixed on what you’re sad about.
- Improving in exercise will give you self confidence when you look back on it.
- Do it outside so that you get some fresh air and sunlight.
- It increases your metabolism so that you feel more energetic for a while.
Whenever I return home from running, I’m always breathing so heavily that nothing else matters too much at the moment. There are never any feelings of pain, sadness, or anger. Something about struggling for breaths of life makes all your other troubles seem very trivial.
Laughing works faster than other exercises, as you can just throw back your head and do it. Go ahead, just laugh out loud right now… Hahahahahaha!!! Um… okay, maybe that was a little creepy. Uh.. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Okay, feel better?
Like other types of physical muscle contractions, laughing releases endorphins and relaxes you. It seems to be more effective than say running in that you can feel better after a short laugh than a long run.
Of course, it’s not always easy to laugh when you don’t find something funny. Therefore, the long term solution is to try to change your outlook to find life a funnier place. Notice the little quirks and ironic things going on around you and laugh at those. Notice the stupid mistakes you make and laugh at those. Notice how all your problems are so little in the grand scheme of things and laugh at that. Everythng kind of is pretty funny
Meanwhile, in the short term, just laugh when you feel sad. You don’t have to find something funny to start laughing; you can just laugh randomly! That in itself is kind of funny (so you might start off fake laughing, but then find that scene so hilarious that it becomes a real laugh anyway). Once you get used to it, you’ll start naturally laughing a lot more! It’s like a natural endorphin boost throughout the day that you don’t really even notice!
Another one of my favorite physical activities that just provides a natural endorphin boost. Unlike running, you don’t have to sweat and puff all day long. Singing is a lot like aerobic exercise, except it’s a lot more fun! Join a choir, audition for a musical play, or even just go to church. Pick something that is funny, motivating, and inspiring.
After all, while you’re singing about how good it is to be alive, it’s hard to think of anything negative. Here’s some inspiration: For The Beauty Of The Earth
I have definiately found that my overall mood is much improved when I sing on a regular basis. The easiest regular source of singing is probably church, where no one will judge you and you can feel at home singing in public. Additionally, these regular sources of singing tend to put you into contact with people, which will (hopefully) help you laugh more also
Remember The Happy Memories
Try to think of some memories. Are they ones you feel good about, or ones you feel bad about? If you’re feeling bad, chances are, the bad memories are the ones on the surface of your memory. If you’re always thinking, this is bad, that is bad, then of course everything is going to seem bad to you!
Think of a time when you were truly happy. Just any memory would do. For example, I can remember times in my childhood when I lived in a boarding school. In my corner, there was a big hole, and in it, my friends and I would always stash a bunch of “goodies”. Random stuff like paper, pieces of plastic, etc. My one prized possession was a piece of pinkish plastic shaped like a hat. It was basically an oval, with a cylindrical portion raised up in the middle. It was somewhat rough in texture, but I found it to be unique. It was a special item that I would take out once in a while and look at with glee.
Just describing that experience made me feel kind of happy. Thinking of memories like these in great detail helps you “relive” those experiences. Memory works in that the more you think about something, the more it becomes ingrained in your mind. Trying to continously think about how to get rid of your sad memories just makes you sadder! Spend some time each day and try to recall any good memories you have. Before you know it, you’ll start relating everything to those happy times and your sad memories would just be a vague recollection of the past!
Do Things And Go Places That Make You Happy
Of course, it also helps to get some new happy memories! With all those memories making you happy, why not relive some of those memories? Remember the beach that made you feel really peaceful and serene when you were a kid? Go there and sit by it for a while. Or maybe that trip that’s always made you energetic and gave you a feeling of excitement. Take that again. Do the things that you love to do, and be happy!
Remember that the main goal here is to build happy memories though, not to go through the motions of the experience. As you do these things that make you happy, take it all in and really appreciate it. Isn’t it such a great and wonderful experience? It makes you feel great just being alive!
That’s the feeling you’d like to get later when you look back on this time and relive this experience, so make it a good one!
Make Some Happy Friends
Since you are looking for happy experiences, what better way to make them than by hanging out with happy people? Pick some people that seem to be happy and smiling all the time. Make them your friend and hang out with them on a regular basis. If there is one thing that’s true, it’s that the thoughts of people you are closest to tend to “rub off” on you. You become more like the people you interact with on a regular basis.
There’s a lot of advantageous to making naturally happy friends:
- You’ll have someone making you happy randomly over the long term
- You may start to learn why they are so happy and learn the source of that happiness for yourself
- You’ll be subjected to happy experiences while undergoing this process
- Happy friends generally have happy friends also, so you’ll meet even more happy people
- Happy friends will introduce you to activities that make them happy, which you can adopt even if the friendship doesn’t work out
It sure seems like a lot of ways to make yourself happier
Finding Meaning In Life
Memories can only be happy when things are meaningful though. After all, who feels happy about doing dull and meaningless things? Therefore, you should try to find out what has meaning for you. When you do something important well, you feel important too! Think about it - People who do important things are important! Luckily, you determine what is important, so just find out what those are, and do them!
Before long, your mind will be so consumed with all the details of doing important things, that sad memories become forgotten or unimportant by comparison! Then you’ll just be left with happy memories of yourself doing important things!
This is one of the most important ones for finding long term happiness. Being content and finding happiness when you are alone will allow you to not depend on anything external to yourself. It gives you freedom in that these external factors don’t control your mood. For example, if you’re dependent on your friends to be happy, then you’ll always be afraid of what happens if they aren’t your friends anymore. This’ll make you feel unsure about yourself all the time. Anything that would cause your friends to be away from you would make you worried. You might start becoming very controlling of your friends, always needing them to be nearby. On the opposite end of the spectrum, you might become very afraid of making your friends angry, never seeking out healthy relationships. Finally, when your friends go away (as everything goes away eventually - we all die after all), you’ll be sad once again.
Compare that to having inner security, where you have a source of happiness that no one can destroy. Why not figure out what you want and go after it? You’ll always be happy trying to take that journey!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

30 years later, to be young again.

Hey Folks,

Saturday I took a journey back 30 years. I went to Summer Camp since I was 9 years old. I started at Camp Monroe in the Catskills in 1976. In the summer of 1980 we combined two bunks of boys to create one big bunk of young men. We were all 15ish and full of energy. We had a counselor who walked on water to us, and a loose atmosphere without our parent to grow.

Camp was a phenomenon back then. 375 kids, 125 staff, and 8 weeks of summer. Our camp had a 96% recidivism rate in those days. It was not even a thought not to come back. We saw our parents one day mid-summer and tears on the last day till next summer.

We got together on Saturday at the counselor's house downstate, NY and 12 of us out of the bunk that summer showed up. What a blast, I have not seen some of these guys for 30 years, others at least 25 and one I keep in touch with almost everyday by phone.

Great memories, big laughter, and open hearts towards each other. It was 13 hours of food, talk, and playing in the pool.

I got there late because of work and left early due to radio the next morning but tons of fun and a promise of next year or sooner.

Here are some of the e-mails I got today from the gang:

Pool is Ready...Plenty of Towels...Pool Basketball...Floats...Food...Drink...Just missing You!!!

See you tomorrow.


I made it back to Baltimore by 10:30 am today.

Yesterday was one of the the most surreal, memorable, and special days I've experienced in recent memory (except for my wedding day and kids being born). I felt like I was 15 all over again. All of you guys haven't changed a bit (except for looking a bit older and definitely more wiser). I never realized how much I have missed you all you after all of these years. All the experiences and memories came flooding back. Stuff I haven't thought about in years.

Billy - thanks for putting this wonderful party together. You have a great family. And thanks for letting me crash at your crib. I was exhausted beyond belief.

I think we all need to get together sooner than next year. Perhaps meet for dinner/drinks in NYC this fall.

I miss you all of you already.

Love you guys,


Words can't describe how special you all will always be be me...I love you guys so much.

Yesterday wwas one of the most special days of my life.

Paplin...First to Arrive, Last to Leave...13 1/2 Hours of consistency. MVP!

Hey Billy
What a fantastic day. You have a beautiful family and its good to see you so happy.
The get together blew me away. How great to catch up with buddies from so long ago. Please keep me posted with all future events,,and enjoy the rest of your summer
TO all who attended,,, I will always love you guys,,you hold a very special place in my heart,,,the memories are still flooding back,,Johnny on the pony,,,oh man,,,what times

For 13 hours we were 15 yrs old again. Was truly amazing how even with almost 30 yrs of separation we are still all connected by our wonderful memories. Thanks guys. Love you all. Jeff

An awesome day and one I will remember for a long time.Thanks Billy!!!Howie

There is so much to be grateful for beginning with Billy pulling all
of us together and hosting such an amazing event. Thanks to everyone
that chose to be at Casa Ruvolo and share your current life and past
life experiences from Camp Monroe. Thanks to Pearlmutter for updating
me on events that I never experienced the first time but witnessed
firsthand the second time. There is a special bond that makes each
one of us a better person from our experiences at camp both together
as a group and as individuals. I am just getting home from a day or a
late day from camp, spent with both Malcolm and the Hochmeister.
Paired with yesterdays gathering these two days were an incredible
trip into the past bringing many positive memories into the present
and what a great present it was to me. I was able to witness some
amazing cathartic release at camp today when a counselor was walking
his camper to the gate as the boy was leaving the camp for the
summer. Both the boy and his counselor were crying because the boy
was leaving before camp was over. I felt extremely emotionally
connected to both the boy and his counselor and told the counselor as
he was on his way back to the boys side how lucky he was to make the
connection with his camper. I'm sure this is something that we have
all felt during our experiences in camp and that emotional connection
from camp is what someone referred to as sappy. If this is sappy, let
me feel sappy everyday..................Did the Yankees win over the
Red Sox???? ...........Who was pitching?????

Love to all,


I can hear summertime laughter up in treetops bent by snow toward the
icy ground. On a cold gray afternoon in January, I can see children
splashing in the sunlit, turquoise-blue water of a swimming pool. Just
beyond the pool, in the empty Palladium (Al Bass Hall) , I hear shouts
and a basketball bouncing on the hardwood, and then Louie and Dix are
arguing: they have the misfortune of being on the same team and there
is only one basketball and they both want to shoot it. Saltzman tells
them to be quiet and play. All three are middle-aged men nowLouie in
Florida, Dix in New York, Saltzman in Ohio. I can hear them anyway.
After all, I am a magician. And here is the secret of my magic: over
forty years ago I first went to Camp Monroe, and I have my memories
still. My memory is my magic.
It is no idle talent, my memory. It enables me, whenever the feeling
strikes, to live in the hot light and cool green shade of perpetual
summer. Alone in my office on blustery winter morning, I can go sit on
the steps of the mess hall after dinner and watch the twilight paint a
satiny blue sky with red and gold. I can see Larry and Steven and Doc
walking across the main diamond, little boys who are now husbands and
fathers, and there is Rickles, smiling, walking down from the waiter’s
bunks, and Sperbs is out on the court, holding the ball above his head.
The list of people I see is long, and sometimes, when I’m lucky, I
don’t have to rely on my magic. I can see them in person, talk about
our memories and create new ones and maintain friendships that parallel
the arc of my life. I saw Baskin a while ago: I hadn’t seen him in over
thirty years, and yet we might as well have sitting outside the Sub-CA
bunks, for it seemed that no time had passed at all.
The wisdom ascribed to middle age is overrated: life can be just as
confusing no matter how old you are, but this I can say with some
certainty. Live long enough and you will find your portion of joy and
sorrow, and the joy is sweeter if you can share it with long-time
friends and the sorrows are less burdensome.
Of course, I never thought about this years ago, when I was creating my
memories. I often think about it now.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The grit that makes you grow, what you resist persists

I was listening to an author this morning, she said something that rang in my head.

It is the grit that makes the pearl. She was of course talking about a Oyster. It is sometimes happens that what we resist, delay or deny most, is exactly where we need to work. It is what irritates us that we do not want to look at, might hold the key to what we have to do next.

During the Landmark forum that I did a few weeks ago, this came up. We were asked to call people who we have been running a racket on, or making up stories about them. I used this method that I got from David Essel my Life Coach, look to where you resist, delay, or deny. It worked perfectly. I made the calls I leaset wanted to make first and the easiest ones last.

The grit is this denial. It irritates us though we take some lotion or potion, distract ourselves with entertaainment or dull our sences with drugs and alcohol or food so we do not feel. We do this with pain, we take something to make it go away, rather than figure out why we have pain.
Whether our pain is emotional, mental, or physical, masking it over works only temporarily. A slight knee pain over years might end up a knee operation for a replacement. What if the pain came from diet, or how we move, or work. The shoes we wear or the tension we hold. After the knee operation something else starts to go off from the same original problem.

We need to face what irritates us. What you resist persists.

Take that irritation and make a pearl out of it like the Oyster. Sit with the pain or emotion. Realize though it is real to you but on some level it is just energy. When you are fully with it, it can it go away, or you can figure out how not to cause it again.

Is the food you eating causing inflammation?

Are your emotions eating you up?

Are you shoes worn out?

Do you need a new bed or chair at work?

Many solutions?

Make a list of what you are resisting, delaying, or denying. Really go for it.

Ask for help if needed. I am there for you.

All the answers are inside of you.


Dr. Steve

Monday, August 2, 2010

My Landmark Forum

I have heard of Landmark Education for many years in my search for personal development. Landmark was started around 40 years ago as EST training and has distilled the best of personal development and the study of the human condition.

I know many people who are teachers of this work, due to there involvement in the same spiritual path as me. Still I did not know what to expect, and actually that's how I like to walk into a new experience, with an open mind and heart.

I took the workshop in Philly because a number of my friends were attending in NYC and from a suggestion of a coach of mine I chose to go it alone.

In the first 15 minutes after explaining a certain term used in Landmark, I was sold that I was going to get a lot out of this weekend.

What i got:

The best way to live life is from your beingness. To be fully expressed just like the sun. The sun is totally authentic not worrying what people think about the sun. So just be the unique you that you are.

Things happen in life and we interpret those happenings, and create stories from them. The result of this is misconceptions and ruined relationships. During the course we made phone calls to those we had stories with and it was amazing how things cleaned up. We had participants bring people, mothers, fathers, relatives, and past intimate partners to the last open day of the course, some hadn't spoken for 20 years and they were all crying together.

Those with teens got to hear from teens who just told it like it is about how they feel as teen. This was such a wake up call for me and many others.

We spend our lives trying to look good and avoid looking bad for others, putting on an act. People get this at some level and just you to be you so they can be them.

Best of all we saw that we all have the same dis-ease. Being Human. The problem is that we act like we are just this stimulus response machine, because we are.

The true fact is you are the thinker behind your thoughts, the director of your play, the one who chooses to invent life as you want.

If we accept that we are human and that we behave in a very conditioned way, then we are free to create from a blank space anything we chose that aligns and comes from our beingness.

This Sunday August 8th at 10am on WSYR 570am Syracuse, I will be interviewing one of the senior teachers of this work. Or go to Landmark Education

There will be a Landmark Forum coming to Utica in the beginning of October, click the link right here.

Friday, July 30, 2010

David Essel Back in Town

David Essel Returns to repeat Life Coach/Life Master
Slow Down: The fastest way to get what you want
Life Coach Universe - Level 1
Sat, August 21, 1pm - 7pm, Sun August 22, 1pm- 7pm
5208 South Salina Street, Syracuse NY

Yes, we're coming back to bring David Essel's Life Coach Universe - Life Coach Certification Course once again to Syracuse NY!

My very good friend, and well known international healer Dr. Steve Wechsler, will host this certification on August 21 & 22 ,Sat & Sun, from 1pm-7pm both days at his office , 5208 South Salina Street, Syracuse NY, 13205. 315.469.0676.

50% of people who take this course, which continues for 30 days after the weekend ends, do so to finally master their own lives! The other 50% take the course to become a Life Coach.

I am especially excited to be coming back to Syracuse, my hometown, to offer this certification for the very first time! Visit for more info. (Extremely limited seating, please register as soon as possible.)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Great rant on the tube by Bill Mayer, so true

I used to read a long quote by Robert Mendelsohn in my office to all new patients. This video reminds me of that.

Long live sanity, there is no cure for it, but drugs to mask it over.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Funny thing happened on the way to the Faire

I made a trip out to Fair Haven, NY yesterday to see a woman who was having tremendous pain.
I just spent the weekend hiking in Ithaca on Six Mile Trail, a beautiful though tough climb especially with Kathy holding on by a rope on my waist as a guide and her guide dog on a leash. There was a reason that all the swimming holes had young folks because they were many miles in. Sunday we swam at Dr. Rob's house in Skaneateles in the crystal clear blue water.

So I make the hour drive and make the call to meet this woman. No answer. I get a call about an hour later to say she should see a real doctor. Then she had to ask her husband. She finally came when she realised she was 3 minutes away.

She was in a lot of pain after filling 2000 bags of nuts in 7 hours. She moved her neck and pain shot down her are. She could lay down, sleep or work.

I examined her, adjusted her sitting. She sighed and said she would have to call her husband, she said she had to tell him she was in love with another man.

It still amazes me how we do not trust our instincts or our bodies. She used her body wrong and it told her so. It locked up to protect her, it probably thought it she was going to keep doing this so stay locked up. The power of life could not get through.

The adjustment of the spine is not a miracle, it is the power that is the miracle and the release of the interference allows that power to flow again.

It turns out that her arm bothered her before that. The power was interfered with already and now was more compromised.

I Love my job,

Dr. Steve

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Great quote from David Essel

David will be coming to town for another Life Coach/Life Mastery workshop in Syracuse. For more information go to

Human nature, the desire to get the most out of life with the minimal effort, destroys our chances for success. Yet, if we are honest, most of us live here daily. Risk yourself, and do what you do not care to do, everyday, and watch success come to your doorstep."~ Rev. David Essel

Kathy and I are almost finished reviewing the course. We did 30 days of work in 3 weeks. Now is the part where we create the next 60 days.

We start working out with resistive bands on Monday and picking books to read and blogs to write.

Love to all,

Dr. Steve

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Looking in for #1

There are many ways to know yourself.

First to ask who am I?

In many paths I have taken this phrase comes up many times.

In Humanity in Unity the spiritual organisation I teach for we ask these 4 questions:

Who am I?

Why do i suffer?

What do i do to create this suffering?

How can I recreate a life without this pattern?

In many paths of inquiry we ask who am I?, even though we spent our life trying to find out who everyone else is. We try to find our identity by looking outward.

The work Kathy and I do each morning give us the opportunity to look inwards by asking ourselves questions. We are actually done with our workbook and are reviewing things before we send it in to David Essel our teacher to look over, a step of accountability.

We asked ourselves:

What are our greatest strengths?

What are our greatest challenges or weaknesses?

What to we resist, deny or delay in life?

These really give us clues to who we are, the layers around the pearl of our existence.

Take some time to answers the questions in the blog today, and go deep, give at least a half page for each question. Go back a few days from now and add to it.

Looking in for #1

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A day to myself, a rare treat

Sometimes we just need a day to ourselves.

This day I had on Saturday. My dog died, my younger son is in Lithuania with his mom and my older son is working at the Renaissance faire.

It was just me, my tractor, and high grass. Found the part to fix the steering bar I broke the other day distracted by the dog dying. Mowed the high grass till the deck went on fire from a faulty part. Fixed that part and clean the mice stuffing out of the engine preventing me from restarting it.

I actually had the time and space to start, stop, start again and finish. It took one full day of this to reset myself. A vacation at home, doing projects and completing them.

When have you taken a day, half day or a few days to be with you? Depending on your situation pick one that works for.

Had a great day Sunday. Went to friend's house on Skaneateles lake and swam, hot tubed, and swam some more.

Check out his web site for his daily intention.

Have a great day,

Dr. Steve

Friday, July 9, 2010

Dog Died Today at 12 noon

Had a last walk to the creek, some canned food, and got to seat in the front seat.

The pain started yesterday and he moaned during the night, it was time.

Send Blessings,

Dr. Steve

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Life coming to an end for BJ the Beagle

Life has a beginning, middle, and end.

I always say we should cry at births and rejoice at funerals. When we are born we must die and in between we sometimes suffer.

My dog had a great life.

Got him from a good friend who named him after the great developer of Chiropractic, BJ Palmer.

A great hunting dog he was not, so here we are 11 years later, just starting to feel the pain of life.

A nervous dog that could not be left at home indoors. He had a great outdoor kennel that he loved, and was warm in his insulated dog house.

He loved to run after trails of animals and up until today walked the trial down to the creek in all sorts of weather.

Howling in the woods and never catching up to anything, always in the chase, what a life of process.

Always a friendly dog, afraid of cat's inside the house, a menace to them outside. A dog who could care less of human's in the outdoors and a loving pet indoors who loved to cuddle near someone.

A good life. One worth living. He was treated like a dog. He loved being outdoors.

We will see how he does in the next coming days. He is starting to lose interest in walking, his favorite. He is starting make noise of pain when moving.

He has a large tumor inside that will one day take his life or that day will come when we send him home.

To howl again.

Love and Blessings,


Monday, July 5, 2010

Renaissance Faire Sterling NY, see the Hypnotist

Wow! What an experience I had this weekend at the Renaissance Faire.

I have been going to the Faire for over 20 years since my older sons Mom now plays the Queen. I still go up as the ex-King, who got to keep his head.

I love the Faire and the talent is over the top. These actors and performers are masters at their trade.

They have minstrels, and a sword swallower, jugglers, and nuns. All are so funny and yet masters in their own right.

They have work years to make their act work. They might do the same routine for many years and I still laugh out loud. I have to say I have not done the usual every weekend thing in a while though I was so glad I went this weekend to see Franko the Hypnotist.

My older son who works at the Faire turned me on to him. There are videos on YouTube and here is one.

Then there are the Nuns who are personal friends of mine.

If you have a chance this summer check them out at Sterling Renaissance Festival weekends through August 15th

Have a fun and safe Summer,

Dr. Steve

As they say at the Faire, if you cannot enjoy yourself, enjoy someone else

Saturday, July 3, 2010

LOVE YOU, and I mean you.


Just got back from Watertown and boy was I busy. I saw about 50 patients just in the afternoon. Chiropractic done right does not take much, though much focus.

I am in much gratitude that I have the energy to do work at that level. I feel blessed both with the stamina and also the knowledge to take care of this vessel of my spirit. It does not take much to care for the vessel, sometimes it is avoiding the pitfalls of ill habits that is as important.

Drink clean water or healthy non-sugary fluids. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat clean protein, mostly vegetable protein. Move with intensity everyday, and rest well.

Stay away from comfort. Comfort foods, comfortable couches and chairs and especially comfortable emotions and situations. Work at doing even while being. Use it or lose it.

Live life fully even if that means it looks different for you based on age, ability, or timing. If walking up a flight of stairs is intense or running up a hill, it makes no difference as long as it is intense for you.

This weekend I am off to the the Renaissance Faire in Sterling , NY near Fair Haven on Lake Ontario. I have been involved in taking care of the actors and crafters for over 20 years.

My homework today brought reading about relationships. We all have many kinds. The most important relationship is with yourself.

Ask the question Who I am? Before you know the answer to this question you will be faced with life events that bring you to the place to think about it. Take time everyday and learn more about who you are and how you tick.

If you fell deeply in LOVE with someone else, you want to know everything about them. Well, fall deeply in LOVE with YOU and learn all there is to know about you, and just maybe that person who you truly love will show up in someone else.

LOVE YOU, and I mean you.


Dr. Steve

Love is the answer no matter the question.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Story vs. experience, the cost of extra baggage.

Last night we had a great speaker here at the office, Wyming Sun. I love ancient knowledge, true source with little interpretation or commentary. Wyming is a scholar of Aramaic, the original language of Jesus and the New Testament.

Lord's Prayer in Aramaic:

He did a talk about The Kingdom of Heaven. All he does is give the translation and the history of the times and define who people are and there position in life. You get to create meaning of the experience. Often we have the facts of an experience or happening in our lives or other lives and add the emotions.

Take the bible. When you go to church or as I go to Teen Challenge where I volunteer. We hear these bible stories from people interpretations. Powerful stories are sometimes used as metaphors or as motivation or as discipline to move us in a certain direction or thinking. This is not bad or good.

We also use experiences, situations in our lives for these reasons. When we attach emotion to these experiences they become our stories. We all have stories in our lives from our childhood, school, work, relationships, and so on. It is our stories with the most emotion in our lives that can block us from being truly free or move us in a direction that we do not desire.

I have stories about being free. That if I am too specific, time lined and measurable, I cannot be free. I have stories about my father and his behavior that have crept into my relationships. I have stories about my business competition or location that effects my business.

These stories are just experiences in my life that I have put emotion to that I use as excuses or guides consciously and unconsciously to create my destiny.

We need to look with a neutral eye and heart at these experiences in our lives and see them, just as they are, experiences. Facts that happened. We need to learn from them not be controlled by them.

We need to drop this baggage or just like the airline we need to pay the price for carrying on.

Check out this funny video that let's us laugh out loud about our life:

Who is the real puppet? What are some of your stories that have become the puppeteer.


Dr. Steve

Monday, June 28, 2010

Digging Deep

On Fire this morning,

Just worked with Kath for 2 hours this morning on our homework from the David Essel workshop.

Dug in Deep in the area of resistance to change.

We took time in each of these areas of our lives to speak out the strengths and challenges or weaknesses.


Physical Body






Then we picked three people to ask these questions to who know us best in our lives. Allowing them to be honest and just listening and writing them down. Feel the resistance as some of these are spoken, these are the gems.

Since Kathy and I picked each other we took time to do it right there. Just do it, do not think how this will make the other feel.

Do this in your life!!

Write down the topics as above and write down at least two strengths and two Challenges in each area.

Then ask two people who know you best and go for it.


Dr. Steve

Saturday, June 26, 2010

How I let go if Stuttering

Oh my God,

I have agonised over putting up a video on You Tube for about year. I even had a way to do it with my new computer no additions needed except some guts.

What a funny people we are that we are afraid of certain things that are no big deal to others. There are 10's of millions of You Tube videos out there.

While growing up I had a terrible stutter, I could not even speak to one person at a time. I had a great third grade teacher who made me sit with another student everyday and talk. I skipped out on every oral exam in school through the years, and was sick and missed school often.

It was my fortune that my brother paid for me to go to an Anthony Robbins seminar. I did the Fire Walk experience, of yes 1200 degree coals moving under my feet. That was powerful and so were the two days of Personal Power on the weekend. By far the most powerful day was Monday called Living Health. This change my life and my way of looking at disease and eating as a lifestyle shift.

In the years to follow I became Tony's Chiropractor when he traveled in the Midwest where I was living at the time. I got invited to great workshops that were invitation only. I went to the first Date with Destiny. I sat as a young 23 year old with about a dozen CEO's and many business leaders. I was like, "who I am to be sitting here and who was I to have stayed at Tony's house".

Here is the big moment:

During a trance induction done by Tony and Michael Hadley, they brought us on a journey by airplane, Tony an Air Force jet, and Michael a crop duster.

We filled out forms before starting telling of our like and dislikes, our fears and joys. My biggest fear due to my stuttering was PUBLIC SPEAKING. I hated even answering a question in public.

During this trance induction, Michael Hadley taps me on the shoulder and said, "Steve everyone screws up on a word, you just hang on to it".

Have never stuttered to this day, I still do screw up on words, though do not hang on to them.

What do you hang on to that holds you back from fully being who you are, and fully sharing that with others?

I have gone on to do public speaking to over 500 people at a time. Introduced other speaking in front of thousands, taught workshops throughout the world, had a radio show for 8 years live, and i was still resistant to making a You Tube Video.

Fear of the unknown: we will pick this up tomorrow. Enjoy the video below:

Friday, June 25, 2010

Great Sleep always does the trick

Hey Folks,

I finally got a good night's sleep. Feel great today and got up at 5:30a. I was ahead of the game until I noticed a smell in the kitchen and my poor doggy who is challenged with a spleen tumor had pooped all over the floor. While that got my attention, I was grateful to still have him around.

Started my homework with Kath writing mission statements, intentions, gratitude statements, and action steps. We had done this already with David Essel at the course but Kath was now writing it and I was reviewing it.

We then read a chapter in David's book Slow Down, the fastest way to get what you want. THis chapter was about physical fitness. It brought up the feeling of, I used to weight train years ago. I have now made a new commitment in a new way to start training on July 5th, a new New Year.

In the book they suggest using resistive exercise bands, Kath has used these for many years and will will get two sets of these to start the work. We will do an intense workout of each muscle group which will take about 20 minutes. We will do this 3 days a week and some yoga on the alternate days.

I am stating these out loud to help me be accountable and suggest that you can play along to.

I will find a source for resistive exercise bands and training for you in future blogs.

Love and Blessings,

Dr. Steve

Here is an event coming it at my office:

Wyming P. Sun Aramaic Scholar

Monday June 28th 7-9 PM
Dr. Steve's Office
$10 Love offering Optional

Jesus of Nazareth said his kingdom was not of this world. He set up his kingdom in the only place where it couldn't be overthrown -- in your heart and mine. In the Sermon on the Mount we have Matthew's notes on Jesus teachings -- how to live in peace and joy in this world, how to start your experience of heaven while on the earth.

*Why do the scriptues say, "And opening his mouth, he taught them," when you have to open your mouth to speak.

*Who are the poor in spirit and how are they blessed?

*Why isn't meekness weakness?

*Who are the pure in heart?

*Is it possible to see God?

*Who are the peacemakers and how are they blessed?

These questions and more will be covered in this fascinating seminar taught by Wyming P. Sun, linguist, feng shui master, pupil of Dr. Rocco A Errico. Wyming's talk will be full of telling phrases that will linger in the memory and rise to aid you in your daily living just when you need it most.

Wyming can be contacted for personal work at (646) 713-9184 or

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Levity is the remedy for gravity in our lives

1. Is it good if a vacuum really sucks?
2. Why is the third hand on the watch called the second hand?
3. If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, how would we ever know?
4. If Webster wrote the first dictionary, where did he find the words?
5. Why do we say something is out of whack? What is a whack?
6. Why do "slow down" and "slow up" mean the same thing?
7. Why do "fat chance" and "slim chance" mean the same thing?
8. Why do "tug" boats push their barges?
9. Why do we sing "Take me out to the ball game" when we are already there?
10. Why are they called "stands" when they are made for sitting?
11. Why is it called "after dark" when it really is "after light"?
12. Doesn't "expecting the unexpected" make the unexpected expected?
13. Why are a "wise man" and a "wise guy" opposites?
14. Why do "overlook" and "oversee" mean opposite things?
15. Why is "phonics" not spelled the way it sounds?
16. If work is so terrific, why do they have to pay you to do it?
17. If all the world is a stage, where is the audience sitting?
18. If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
19. If you are cross-eyed and have dyslexia, can you read all right?
20. Why is bra singular and panties plural?
21. Why do you press harder on the buttons of a remote control when you know the batteries are dead?
22. Why do we put suits in garment bags and garments in a suitcase?
23. How come abbreviated is such a long word?
24. Why do we wash bath towels? Aren't we clean when we use them?
25. Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?
26. Why do they call it a TV set when you only have one?
27. Christmas - What other time of the year do you sit in front of a dead tree and eat candy out of your socks?

Big Daze, Big Knights, Early Morn

Lost my Voice yesterday, if that is not a metaphor.

Still had a full day. Brought Kathy to work at the Gym. Went to my Service or Seva project, taking care of the men at Teen Challenge. I have been going there 1x a week for the last 2 and a half years. I adjust 10-15 men each time I go and get to see the results over weeks and months and see the graduates come back to serve.

These men 18-60 years old and I mean old, have hit the bottom many times. This program which cost nothing to them brings them back from the bottom step by step in a strict program of study and service to God.

They have great success I believe because they put in the time necessary even if it takes 2 years. A 35% success rate in addiction is amazing.

It is hard work each day for these men, that's why it works because they work it.

To donate time and money to Teen Challenge go to:

I brought a friend to AA years ago. Since I stop drinking when I was 22, it was an eye opener to see how addictions ruin people's lives, not only their own.

It made me look at my addictions in life, especially the socially acceptable ones:

What are you addicted to: money, shopping, being liked, internet, phone, texting, food, sex?

Look in life at things you cannot do without, things if I said don't do that for a month would bring up your stuff.


Dr. Steve

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bad case of the dogs.

Had a bad case of the dogs yesterday.

My dog BJ is dying, he has a tumor in his spleen and has gone through many of the same stages my mom went through and many other hospice patients do.

Yesterday afternoon I picked up my younger son at the sitter. I had BJ in the stroller because he cannot walk far. I am watching a dog for a friend, who has become the hospice nurse and sits and hangs with BJ all day. Kathy came along with her new guide dog Sandra.

Picked up V-man, I call my son that and he sat we the dog in his carriage, how dare the dog sit there. He compromised and they sat together.

We were walking back and I pulled out my new flip CAM and made a video of Kathy pushing the carriage with the dogs and V-man, very cute and funny.

I will post it here.

By the way the camera is great. I have convinced Kathy it is on all the time and she is so nice to me. Did you ever think that our higher power, angels and God is always watching. Wow what a concept.

How would you act differently if you were in the eye of a camera all the time?

Think reality show in the beginning and towards the end of the season.

Felt a sore throat coming on last night, resisted the story that this was going to change my tomorrow. Watch Invictus with Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon. Great movie about South Africa and Apartheid and how rugby was a healing force, imagine that. Nelson Mandela used the Invictus to get him through his long prison time.

It was so timely with South Africa hosting the World cup soccer matches and the politics that have come with North Korea, France, USA, and African host countries. This is how the Olympics were born to work out our stuff on the field.

Now we do this blogs and you Tubes.

Here is the poem that the movie name came from:

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

William Ernest Henley

Fell this in your pure soul and know it is us who see our faults and short comings of our Body, Mind, and Emotions, though our soul is untouched, let this part shine through and be uncovered. Show who you truly are to all. Take steps each day to connect with this soul, and uncover and let it shine.

Blessings to all,

Dr. Steve

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

So Far soooo Good

Hey Folks,

Woke up got out of bed dragged a brush across my teeth.

I am on my second day of a 30 program from a 2 day Life Coach/Life Mastery program. Up before 6am and sitting down with friend Kath to work on our 30 project, finding the ONE THING that is blocking us or that will move us forward by answering questions and looking deep inside then taking action.

3 steps to manifestation from the book Slow Down by David Essel

My problem was not with any of these three. It was that I was not congruent to focus on these three in a systematic fashion on on topic of subject at a time.

Question for the day?

What is one thing you intend for your life?

How are you grateful in how this already shows up?

What is one action step you can take today to move forward?

These can be used at any time in your day.

With Love and Blessings,

Dr. Steve

Our Deepest Fear
by Marianne Williamson
from A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Monday, June 21, 2010

Uncover Your Health from Within

Awesome day to you.

Just finished taking a 12 hour Life Coach certification course to add to my ability to help you uncover your health within.

The trick is to assist you with questions to show you, you have all the answers to your life's questions.

The best advise in within you.

Your body works perfectly. Your mind is clear. Your soul is pure.

It is our job to fill these up.


What do I put in my Body, Mind, and Soul on a regular basis to create the life i have??

Take a few minutes and answer these question, I would love to hear from you.


Dr. Steve

Article I read today about thyroid.

By Caleb Hellerman
CNN Senior Medical Producer

Flame retardant chemicals found in a wide variety of products may affect the function of the thyroid gland, according to a study published Monday by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley. Known as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), the chemicals are used in television and computer screens, as well as in polyurethane foam for furniture and carpeting.

Researchers examined 270 pregnant women, checking the level of PBDEs in their bloodstream, and the level of TSH, a hormone linked to thyroid function. On average, higher levels of PBDEs were linked to lower TSH levels – which means that women with a high PBDE exposure tended to have overly active thyroid glands. (The lower the TSH level, the more active the thyroid gland).

The study is published in the journal “Environmental Health Perspectives.”

When low TSH is found alongside high levels of another hormone, T4, a patient can be diagnosed as hyperthyroid. In pregnant women, “hyperthyroidism is associated with miscarriage, birth defects and fetal growth problems,” says Brenda Eskenazi, one of the study authors. The TSH levels noted in the study are not enough to warrant a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, but Eskenazi says the findings are worrisome because the level of PBDEs in the women were fairly typical, compared with levels in the overall U.S. population. She worries that the risk of hyperthyroidism may rise for people with more exposure – such as long-time residents of California, where flame retardants became ubiquitous with the passage of state laws in the 1970s.

Health concerns about PBDEs are not new. In December, the Environmental Protection Agencyannounced steps to phase out the chemicals. Albemarle and Chemtura, two large manufacturers of PBDEs, as well as ICL, a major importer, signed letters promising to end their use in new electronics products by the end of 2010, and in all products by January 1, 2013.

Ray Dawson, an official with Albemarle, questioned the relevance of the new paper, saying most of the chemicals detected are an older type – so-called "pentaBDEs" – that were phased out several years ago.

Eskenazi says the changes are welcome, but says that PBDEs can linger in fatty tissue, and notes that older products with PBDEs will remain in use. “I’m sitting on a couch with foam cushions, right now,” she told a CNN reporter over the phone. “As the foam of this couch continues to disintegrate, I will continue to be exposed to PBDEs. We’ll be living with this stuff for a long time.”