Saturday, June 26, 2010

How I let go if Stuttering

Oh my God,

I have agonised over putting up a video on You Tube for about year. I even had a way to do it with my new computer no additions needed except some guts.

What a funny people we are that we are afraid of certain things that are no big deal to others. There are 10's of millions of You Tube videos out there.

While growing up I had a terrible stutter, I could not even speak to one person at a time. I had a great third grade teacher who made me sit with another student everyday and talk. I skipped out on every oral exam in school through the years, and was sick and missed school often.

It was my fortune that my brother paid for me to go to an Anthony Robbins seminar. I did the Fire Walk experience, of yes 1200 degree coals moving under my feet. That was powerful and so were the two days of Personal Power on the weekend. By far the most powerful day was Monday called Living Health. This change my life and my way of looking at disease and eating as a lifestyle shift.

In the years to follow I became Tony's Chiropractor when he traveled in the Midwest where I was living at the time. I got invited to great workshops that were invitation only. I went to the first Date with Destiny. I sat as a young 23 year old with about a dozen CEO's and many business leaders. I was like, "who I am to be sitting here and who was I to have stayed at Tony's house".

Here is the big moment:

During a trance induction done by Tony and Michael Hadley, they brought us on a journey by airplane, Tony an Air Force jet, and Michael a crop duster.

We filled out forms before starting telling of our like and dislikes, our fears and joys. My biggest fear due to my stuttering was PUBLIC SPEAKING. I hated even answering a question in public.

During this trance induction, Michael Hadley taps me on the shoulder and said, "Steve everyone screws up on a word, you just hang on to it".

Have never stuttered to this day, I still do screw up on words, though do not hang on to them.

What do you hang on to that holds you back from fully being who you are, and fully sharing that with others?

I have gone on to do public speaking to over 500 people at a time. Introduced other speaking in front of thousands, taught workshops throughout the world, had a radio show for 8 years live, and i was still resistant to making a You Tube Video.

Fear of the unknown: we will pick this up tomorrow. Enjoy the video below:

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